Drop the maps and GPS, Truck Drivers here is your health guide to a better life. #Massage. The long-haul" drivers drown out road trips are not uncommon to the typical citizen but, could you imagine life as the typical truck driver. Stiff legs, back aches, neck strains and shoulder discomfort... anyone driving for long periods of time is a calling for #Bodymaintenice check.
Occupations That Require Long Periods Of Driving
-Truck Drivers
-Uber & Lyft Drivers
-School Bus & City Bus Drivers
-Home Delivers and more... We Can Help You!

Does Pain Equal Gains?
Not in This Industry at least. Around 500,000 truck accidents happen every year in America. Add to that the risks of truck maintenance and loading and unloading and there are typically 60,000 worker’s compensation claims made every year in the trucking industry. Quoted by TruckersNews.Com Researchers have associated sedentary behavior with approximately 35 chronic diseases and conditions, The Wall Street Journal reported in 2015. Some problems are interrelated, many having to do with obesity, sleep apnea and poor circulation. More specifically, the list includes issues such as accelerated biological aging, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and peripheral artery disease.
Sitting Consequences. Ouch!

The Benefits Of Massage For Truck Drivers
Relax and Release Massage Strategy for our clients on the go is a recommended weekly to bi-weekly session. Incorporated incentives throughout the care plan to get you back in alignment. With over 5 year experience working specifically with this industry, feedback has been overwhelming positive.
Related: Massage & Sleep
One For The Road...... We wish you a safe trip on the road!
Massage will be one of the best investments, A guide to a better body!